
Our marine slow sinking fish feed is a highly digestible, nutrient-rich feed that is ideal for intensive farming of grouper and other carnivorous marine fish. Formulated with a variety of protein sources, vitamins, and minerals, our feed ensures optimal growth and health of your fish. The slow sinking nature of the feed allows it to reach the bottom of the tank, where it is easily accessible to bottom-feeding fish.
Features (产品特点):
• Formulated from a range of protein source, vitamins & minerals to ensure optimal growth and health of the fishes and increase the survival rate and lower FCR(配制于多元蛋白质来源,维生素及矿物质以促进快速增长及健康鱼只,提高活成率和降低換肉率).
• The nutrition of the feed adapts to the intensive farming of Grouper and other carnivorous marine fish (饲料的營养适合班类鱼及其他肉食性海洋鱼类。
• Feed is processed and extruded to maximize nutrient availability (通过挤压工艺生产的产品以提高营养所取). • Highly digestible (提高消化率)。